We are born into this world with beautiful, free flowing energy. Then, life happens. As we experience life our energy changes. Due to physical or emotional traumas it can become stagnant, weakened or corrupted by the wound. Acupuncture can heal this.
Acupuncture skillfully wields the energy of the body to resolve disharmony. Our bodies circulate meridians of energetic qi (pronounced 'chi'). Meridians may be imagined as veins of a leaf, designed to nourish the leaf. When our meridians circulate poorly, the stagnation, or corruption of energetic flow creates pain. It also often reflects that core aspects of our health are weakened. Key points along the channel of the meridian have great influence over the meridian and body. Stimulation of these key acupuncture points through fine needles initiates a healing response throughout the body. Learn more about